Friday, March 29, 2013

I can see the finish line!

I've had a very productive day writing, so much so that because of the lateness of the hour (after 4 a.m. right now; and my day doesn't end until I go to bed), I may not get any done tomorrow before work. We shall see. If not before, I shall try and get it done after, because by golly the book is nearly finished and my goal is to get it done before April 1st!

I really am feeling super-excited, folks. Many of you know I've struggled for various reasons to complete the second Shadow Chronicles novel. But the Lord has blessed me and my Muse and over the last week or so, and though I've not been writing every day, I've definitely gotten a lot done -- I'm on page 7 of chapter 20, looking at at least three more pages to finish out the chapter, and then I have to write the prologue. It's getting there, it really is, and then, of course, the editing phase will begin!

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